Wednesday 8 February 2012

At Least Michael Terrance is Honest

There have been some reviewers and readers that have brought attention to Michael's temper in Absolute Obsession.  Yes, I'll agree at times his temper is worrisome, but there is so much more to him than that, including being a romantic to a fault.

The thing is, Michael could have easily been portrayed as a perfect lover and husband, but that wouldn't be him.  He insisted on being truthful about the man he is and wanted me to write his story honestly.  Quite frankly, that honesty and temper gives him depth -- he's real when he enters your mind and I can guarantee  you'll want to know who he really is.

Would I change Absolute Obsession for those who insist on bringing light to the negative -- never!  Michael's story is exactly that... Michael's story and it couldn't be written any other way.

Have a great day. 

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